Airlines / Helicopter Operator, Cargo and Owner
- Two-way encrypted communication with the crew
- Where usual communication (VHF, cellular) doesn’t work
- Send/Receive your actual and/or destination weather during the flight
- In-flight tracking all over the world
- Even where Flightradar24 cannot work
- How? it switches automatically the connection from cellular to satellite
- Digital cartography
- Dashboard with all the data you need: Tracking Map, Statistics, etc.
- Help the decision makers, i.e. en-route diversion foroperational use
- One system for all your aircrafts (no matter the type) = fleet uniformization
- Better fleet organization = more flexibility of the fleet
- Aircraft used according your rules, better usage
- Maintenance optimization and organization
- Increased knowledge of the usage of the aircraft meansoptimized maintenances (maintenance only when required = potentially less = more flights)
- Save money on your insurance premium
You transport ULDs?
- Follow the status of your ULDs in-flight
- Know where your ULDs are, don’t lose them anymore
- Alert when ULDs are out of position (like on the runway)
Special Ops (Firefighting / Hems / Rescue)
- Two-way encrypted communication with the crew
- Increased efficiency and flexibility (via uninterrupted communication even where usual communication (VHF, cellular) doesn’t work)
Send/Receive your actual and/or destination weather during the flight
- Increased efficiency and flexibility (via uninterrupted communication even where usual communication (VHF, cellular) doesn’t work)
- You know exactly where your aircraft is (all over the world, even in mountain)
- Increased safety (i.e.: firefighting) by knowing precisely the position of your aircrafts and communicating between crew members and Ops/Hospital/Fire brigade etc.
- Two-way encrypted communication with the crew
- Dashboard with all the data you need: Tracking Map, Statistics, etc.
- Help the decision makers, i.e. en-route diversion foroperational use
- One system for all your aircrafts (no matter the type) = fleet uniformization
- Better fleet organization = more flexibility of the fleet
- Aircraft used according your rules, better usage
- Maintenance optimization and organization
- Increased knowledge of the usage of the aircraft meansoptimized maintenances (maintenance only when required = potentially less = more flights)
- Save money on your insurance premium

Flight School
- Better education of the student (you know when and what kind of mistakes he makes (i.e.: during solo flight) + debrief with recorded data.
- Increase security alerts if the student goes to a danger area, enter CTR, out of the border etc. + the instructor can advise by communicate with him (out of radio frequency)
- Digital cartography
- Maintenance optimization and organization
- Increased knowledge of the usage of the aircraft meansoptimized maintenances (maintenance only when required = potentially less = more flights)
- Dashboard with all the data you need: Tracking Map, Statistics, etc.
- Save money on your insurance premium